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From hobby to jobby

My name is Aaron, and I love to make stuff. I started around 2015 in my garage and quickly formed a relationship with wood and its many amazing and beautiful properties. Wanting to do more, I began accumulating tools and watching hours (and hours) of YouTube videos. As I could, I built furniture for our home and helped friends with their projects. A year later and I had my first commission piece -- a trestle style dining table. I reveled in the process of cutting and shaping, but my skills were still in their infancy. 


A few more commissioned pieces and I could look back with pride in what I had learned and made. Sadly, the shop closed in 2019 when we moved to further my spouses career in D.C. Not being able to afford space for a woodshop, I stored my tools and hoped I would one day be able to bring them home to a new, bigger shop. 


Lo and behold we moved back to our STL home and, with garage in possession, Brushfire Woodshop is back. Every day, I am honing my skills to make heirloom quality furniture and the like for those that value beautiful materials turned into lasting handmade furniture. 

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